The Most Secure Web3 Wallet: Top dApps for Qredo Users

Published Oct 11, 2023
By Qredo Team

Qredo's Web3 Wallets extend a secure and user-friendly gateway to the dynamic world of decentralized applications (dApps). Today we look at the top trending dApps in use via Qredo Web3 Wallets. 

Enhanced by distributed multi-party computation (dMPC), these wallets take blockchain security and crypto custody to new heights, while making it seamless for users to interact with a plethora of dApps across Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatible blockchains and beyond.  

Forget the woes of managing private keys, Qredo's on-chain dMPC custody ensures robust security and full control over transaction approvals across your global team. 

Access a plethora of dApps

The versatility of Qredo's Web3 Wallets lies in its compatibility with leading applications including MetaMask Institutional and WalletConnect, streamlining operations and offering a low-friction gateway to literally hundreds of dApps.  

Whether it's swapping assets, farming yield, or exploring other DeFi strategies, Qredo users can delve into a vast landscape of blockchains without the need for browser extensions or any additional software. 

Let's take a look at the most widely used and popular dApps currently being accessed by Qredo users, and what's so good about them. 

Read all about how to make the most of your Qredo Web3 Wallet via integrations like WalletConnect. 

Lido: Staking, governance, and more

Among the dApps accessible via Qredo's Web3 Wallets, Lido stands out for its Ethereum 2.0 liquid staking solution.

Staking and lending with Lido

Users can stake ETH without locking assets or worrying about staking infrastructure, all while earning daily rewards. Lido facilitates a smooth transition to Ethereum 2.0 staking by offering stETH tokens in exchange for staked ETH. This liquid staking solution not only ensures liquidity but also allows users to participate in on-chain lending. 

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Lido governance

Furthermore, Lido's decentralized governance via its DAO enables users to have a say in the protocol's evolution. The open-source nature and audited code of Lido reassure users with transparency and security, making it a reliable platform for staking and other on-chain activities. 

Embrace DeFi with peace of mind

The blend of Qredo's dMPC custody and a customizable governance workflow adds a layer of security and control that is crucial within the DeFi ecosystem.  

Users can confidently sign transactions through the world's most trusted Web3 gateway, with the backing of Qredo's robust governance. Moreover, the provision of immutable audit trails on Qredo's Layer 2 blockchain ensures a transparent and traceable transaction history, a feature indispensable for both institutional investors and crypto natives. 

Qredo's Web3 Wallets are more than just a haven for your crypto assets. They are a conduit to a broad spectrum of decentralized applications; each presenting unique opportunities to diversify and grow your crypto portfolio. Whether you are drawn towards staking, lending, or other DeFi engagements, the integration of Qredo's wallets with groundbreaking dApps unlocks a realm of possibilities. 

Aave v3: A gateway to optimized DeFi activities

Aave v3 is a decentralized application (dApp) that stands as a cornerstone in the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem, offering a suite of functionalities ranging from lending and borrowing to asset management.

A spectrum of methods for Web3

Aave v3 introduces a spectrum of methods to interact with the platform. Users can deposit assets for lending or collateralization, managing these assets through straightforward methods like withdraw, borrow, and payback. The platform extends the flexibility to manage collateral by enabling or disabling deposited assets as collateral, ensuring users have control over their holdings. 

Furthermore, Aave v3 provides the ability to swap borrowing rate modes and delegate borrowing rights to other addresses, enhancing the scope of financial interactions within the platform. These functionalities collectively pave the way for a seamless asset and liability management experience, tailored to the evolving needs of the DeFi community.

Yield generation and Web3 banking

At the heart of Aave v3 lies a potent yield generation mechanism that optimizes asset utilization, a feature particularly appealing to yield seekers. By acting as a decentralized Web3 bank, Aave v3 transcends traditional financial boundaries, offering lending and borrowing services across various Layer 1 and Layer 2 blockchains. This positions it as a pivotal entity in promoting the Web3 financial paradigm.

Interactive functionalities

  • Aave v3 offers features like Portal, which facilitates the flow of liquidity between Aave v3 markets across different networks, allowing for cross-chain interactions. 

  • Efficiency Mode enables borrowers to maximize borrowing power when supplied and borrowed assets have correlated prices, especially when they're derivatives of the same underlying asset, such as USD-pegged stablecoins. 

  • Isolation Mode allows new assets to be listed as isolated. Borrowers using such assets as collateral can't supply other assets as collateral in the same position. 

  • Siloed Borrowing permits assets with potentially manipulatable oracles to be listed on Aave as a single borrowed asset. 

Aave v3: Defining user-friendly DeFi

The connection from Qredo's Web3 Wallets to Aave v3 demonstrates a compelling narrative of what user centric DeFi looks like. From the ease of asset management to the promise of optimized yield generation, Aave v3 embodies a comprehensive platform for both institutional and retail users to engage in a myriad of DeFi activities.  

As Qredo users delve into Aave v3, they are not just interacting with a dApp; they are stepping into a user optimized DeFi environment that resonates with the ethos of decentralized financial empowerment. 

MakerDAO's decentralized finance: Stability and governance

Qredo users find a robust platform in MakerDAO for engaging in lending, borrowing, and managing the stablecoin DAI. Built on the Ethereum blockchain, MakerDAO exemplifies a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that thrives on community governance and open-source principles, shaping a conducive environment for DeFi activities.

Creating and managing DAI

At the core of MakerDAO is DAI, a stablecoin pegged to the US dollar, offering a stable medium of exchange within the volatile crypto landscape. The utility of DAI extends beyond a stable store of value; it serves as a tool for debt repayment, cross-border transactions, and earning the Dai Savings Rate (DSR) on held DAI, thus bridging the traditional and decentralized financial worlds.

Lending, borrowing, and collateralized loans

Lending and borrowing are straightforward with MakerDAO, offering a decentralized platform where users can lend their assets or obtain collateral-backed loans. The absence of intermediaries in this process underlines the decentralized ethos of MakerDAO, presenting a frictionless borrowing and lending environment.

Decentralized governance

The governance model of MakerDAO engages users through its MKR token, allowing them to vote on protocol changes. This participatory governance cultivates a community-driven evolution of the MakerDAO system, aligning with the decentralized spirit of blockchain.

Financial inclusion

Beyond its technical offerings, MakerDAO aims to foster financial inclusion by providing permissionless access to financial services. This vision extends the benefits of DeFi to a broader audience, underlining the potential of blockchain in bridging financial divides.

MakerDAO: A cornerstone in decentralized finance

MakerDAO represents a harmonious blend of stability, governance, and financial innovation. The platform stands as a cornerstone in the DeFi sector, offering Qredo users a trusted avenue to explore lending, borrowing, and stablecoin management, amidst a community-driven and open-source environment. Through MakerDAO, the promise of decentralized finance inches closer to a wider adoption, resonating with the ethos of empowerment and innovation inherent in the DeFi movement.

Convex: Amplifying rewards and governance in DeFi

Qredo users are also popular users of Convex, a platform optimized for interacting with Curve Finance. Operating on the Ethereum blockchain, Convex facilitates a variety of engagements including staking, claiming rewards, and participating in governance, constituting a decentralized finance (DeFi) hub.

Staking tokens

Staking is a core interaction within Convex, where users can stake their Curve Liquidity Provider (LP) tokens for rewards. The flexibility to withdraw staked LP tokens anytime is a feature that provides a great deal of user control and flexibility.

Additional interactions

The Convex platform broadens user interaction through various avenues like providing liquidity on Curve, staking or locking CVX tokens, and participating in governance and gauging votes. Such interactions not only enrich user engagement but also foster a sense of community and shared governance which is quintessential in DeFi.


The fruits of interacting with Convex are manifold. Users earn rewards through staking and claiming, and have a voice in governance decisions, aligning with the decentralized ethos of the platform. This participatory model is a hallmark of DeFi, where decision-making power is redistributed to the community.

Convex: A community centric DeFi platform

Convex emerges as a community-centric platform where Qredo users can explore a myriad of interactions and reap rewards while contributing to governance. The platform's design, focused on user-friendliness and transparency, resonates well with the decentralized finance tenet of community-driven innovation and governance.

Through Convex, Qredo users find yet another world to explore within the evolving universe of DeFi, reflecting the diversity and potential of decentralized financial systems.

Compound: Embracing self-empowered finance

Compound, a popular decentralized finance (DeFi) platform, presents an avenue for individuals and applications to earn interest on or borrow cryptographic assets.

Depositing and borrowing assets

The core interactions within Compound revolve around depositing and borrowing assets. Users can deposit supported tokens to earn interest as these assets are lent out to borrowers.  

On the other side, users can borrow assets by providing adequate collateral, as defined by Compound's parameters. Borrowing serves a spectrum of purposes, whether it's financing ICOs, shorting tokens, or swiftly accessing liquidity for other financial engagements. 

Interest rates and supported tokens

The interest rate dynamics in Compound are algorithmically driven, dictated by the supply and demand of tokens. The platform supports certain tokens like BAT, DAI, REP, WETH, and ZRX for borrowing and lending, thereby defining the asset landscape within which users can interact.

Benefits of using Compound

The advantages of engaging with Compound are manifold. Lending assets on Compound potentially yields competitive interest rates when juxtaposed with traditional financial avenues.

Moreover, Compound acts as a conduit to liquidity, facilitating borrowing against collateral. This feature, coupled with the potential for asset appreciation through interest earnings, reflects a pragmatic approach to asset management within the decentralized domain.

Decentralized finance participation

Participating in Compound unlocks an array of financial applications and services, all devoid of traditional financial intermediaries.

Transparent and open financials

With all transactions being recorded on the Ethereum blockchain, transparency and verifiability are built in with Compound. This transparent financial ecosystem fosters trust and inclusivity among its users.

Decentralized governance

Earning COMP tokens is a gateway to decentralized governance on Compound. Users can voice their opinions on proposed changes to the protocol by voting, thereby having a say in the platform's evolution.

Compound: A catalyst in modern finance

 Compound manifests a modern, open, and transparent financial ecosystem. It leverages blockchain technology to offer enhanced liquidity, earning opportunities, and decentralized financial services.  

For Qredo users, Compound represents a solid platform to participate in a community-driven financial ecosystem that is shaping the future of finance. 

Be secure, swift and smart with Qredo's Web3 Wallets

Navigating through the decentralized finance (DeFi) landscape with Qredo's Web3 Wallets introduces a streamlined, secure avenue to interact with prominent dApps like Lido, Aave v3, MakerDAO, Convex, and Compound.  

The meticulous design of Qredo's infrastructure, underpinned by distributed multi-party computation (dMPC), not only enhances security but seamlessly integrates with the ethos of DeFi—enabling user-centric, transparent, and innovative financial interactions.  

In harnessing the capabilities of Web3, Qredo stands as a robust gateway for both institutional and retail users, ensuring easy, low-friction access to a burgeoning decentralized financial ecosystem. 

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