Published Apr 14, 2022
By Matt Neill

My First Month at Qredo: What I’ve Learned

I joined Qredo as a senior content writer in March 2022, and the first month has provided a sharp learning curve about everything that is happening and being built.

In February just before I came onboard, Qredo announced an $80 million Series A funding round which will help turbocharge all the products currently out there in the market as well as the plethora of new offerings set to be released over the next year.

With so much happening at the company, there is a lot to learn, from the importance of the community to the groundbreaking applications of decentralized Multi-Party Computation (dMPC).

Here are the top 5 things I’ve learned in my first month at Qredo.

1) Importance of dMPC

With surging levels of institutional involvement in the industry, crypto needs a reliable, secure and compliant solution to the issue of asset custody.

The problem with this is that many solutions in the market rely on some form of centralized authority, which both undercuts its security as well as straying further away from the fundamental decentralized promise of the technology.

Qredo’s dMPC solution solves this issue by maintaining the vision of crypto while offering institutional-grade controls over assets without giving up that control entirely to a third party.

As the network grows, so does its security. 

That’s why #The Network is the Vault

2) Institutions are coming to crypto

For years, the crypto community has discussed when the tipping point of institutional involvement in the industry would come, heralding the market’s move from the fringes of the financial world to the mainstream.

However, that evolution was always going to require another level of service provision and security.

Over the last few years, that time has arrived, and Qredo is at the heart of the push to help those funds, banks and others make their way into the wonderful world of DeFi.

Through our partnership with MetaMask Institutional, we can provide all the infrastructure needed for institutions to access opportunities across all EVM blockchains, while retaining customizable workflow and signing controls and security.

3) Community is key

The institutions may be coming for crypto, but the industry is ultimately still all about the community that has held through the ups and downs.

Qredo is always listening to the ideas and concerns that come from the community, and the company is an open book with our leadership team engaging with our users and stakeholders through multiple platforms on a regular basis.

Interested in getting involved with the Qredo Community? Check out The Qreed program or get in touch with the team through our channels.

4) It’s not just custody

Custody may be at the heart of the Qredo offering, but there is so much more happening on the network.

From compliance with crucial regulations such as the Travel Rule, to crosschain swaps and digital asset governance, the network offers a range of use cases and there are many more set to be unveiled in the coming months.

Check out recently updated Roadmap to see what's in store for the rest of 2022.

5) There is much more to come

In the coming months Qredo is set to release a slew of new product offerings and capabilities which will add yet more value to our users and the network as a whole.

Click-to-cover insurance, instant atomic swaps for BTC, ETH, QRDO and stablecoin trading pairs with guaranteed liquidity as part of our liquidity hub rollout, stablecoin minting—-  the list goes on.

It’s all part of the Qredo Vision to create a truly decentralized solution to the issue of private key storage which can be used by institutions while retaining the core values of crypto.

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